Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bankrupt Governments = Bankrupt Beavers?

So Europe's Germany, Britain & France have decided to bankroll Greece once again and the Greek beavers are expected to give them the finger. But what does the european debts crisis all really mean?

Firstly, the three big boys have loaned many of their neighbours over $3 Trillion. Their neighbours can not pay them back, so they are also technically bust. Any more unrecoverable loans will have to be paid through "Quantitative Easing", ie. money printing, by G & B & F. But this would normally lead to inflation and these countries are already experiencing over 5% inflation rates.

The USA's debt is mainly held by China who isn't likely to get their money back either. China has been using their liquidity to purchase capital goods and infrastructure, but their populace isn't prospering enough to be able to afford the massive expensive housing that has been built. They are on the verge of their own USA style sub-prime mortgage defaults.

Back in Canada, we have helped our banks build up a tiny capital reserve, but they are still exposed to significant questionable investments. Our government has cut its' corporate tax rates and has done nothing to stop foreign and international companies from exporting at artificially low prices so they can skim their earnings into offshore bank accounts. Deficit days are ahead.

Canadian beavers are hanging on to our jobs and trying to pay down our credit cards by offloading our debts into lower interest rate lines-of-credit and mortgages. We are hoping we can start paying off our mortgage principal before the creeping inflation leads to interest rate hikes by 2014. In fact, when we renew our mortgages then there is a real possibility we will be facing the same dung as the yanks experienced in their sub-prime rate mortgage renewals.

The other black cloud is in property values that may decrease if the global crisis results in a major recession or depression. One side of our brain says hold on to get the benefit of inflation, but the other side is saying that whatever we pay off in principal may be devoured by a drop in real estate values.

Any drop in real estate values will hurt the banks who have 80% of Canadian mortgages. Their creditors will demand more collateral on the money they borrowed to lend to us. Thus the Bank of Canada will have to do more "quantitative easing" to support the banks again.

So it looks like we have dropped over a waterfall and are being swept into a whirlpool.

I think I'll just try to find a smaller beaver lodge, get out of debt asap, and mind my own business for a while. I just can't trust the muskrats in government or the weasels in banking to do anything that will protect me and my pups. In fact, they are likely to try and dump their losses on us sooner than later.

Keep your tails down!

Bob the Beaver

Friday, September 23, 2011

Conservative Crime Bill Scary!

Canadian Beavers should be marching on Ottawa en mass before the CRIME Bills C51-54 get passed by this majority government.

The media has focussed upon some get tough clauses on youth and repeat offenders, but they have not sounded any alarm bells about the extensive new powers being promised to government law enforcement agencies.

The public's privacy in their homes, or anywhere else, is about to be wiped out! Police and government agents will no longer be required to obtain a court ordered warrant to eavesdrop on any one they choose.

Police and other government agents will be able to wiretap, eaves drop on cell phones, watch your Internet browsing, monitot your e-mails, Facebook, Twitters, Linkden, etc. and even obtain Internet usage logs from ISP's - Internet Service Providers. They will likely be able to download everything on your computers whenever they connect you to a suspicious person, organization or company.

In other words, Canadian beavers will never be allowed to be alone and in private ever again! People with a political agenda will have direct access to everything about you.

There is also other legislation going on that will allow foreign governments access to these Canadian systems and information.

After 5000 years of personal privacy, Canadian beavers will enter a new era of government legislated peeping Toms.

Our freedom and democracy are about to be deleted by the click of a keyboard.

Write to your MP now!!!

Beavers - sharpen your teeth and start biting!

Bob the Beaver

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Canadian Independance Possible?"

I'll tell you, I am getting sick and tired of being gouged every time I paddle my log up to the pump for a fill up. My wife Betty Beaver is also almost in tears over the crazy prices for groceries and stuff from the big box stores. It seems that everything has skyrocketting prices, but the rodents in Ottawa say inflation is only 2-3%.

You know, all this price gouging is because we don't control our own economy anymore. Foreign bureaucrats and global corporations are running the show nowadays. Canadian beavers are just treading water faster and faster in our own little pond.

During the past twenty years, the financial vultures financed the takeover of all competitors in one industry after another until most industries in Canada are controlled by less than six companies. These corpulent moguls now control what we buy and how much we pay. The "free-market-economy" has evaporated.

In fact, Canadians are forced to pay "global prices" for our own: wheat, oil, minerals, lumber, fish, farm produce, manufactured goods, energy, water, telecommunications, etc. etc. etc. We no longer run our own show.

Foreign governments are also using their government "Sovereign Investment Funds" to buy up Canada's resources at an alarming rate. Heck, Canada doesn't even have a "Sovereign Fund" of its own!

We are being mopped up by foreign governments and global corporations without paying any attention to the needs of our kids and following generations of Canadians!

It is time to stop playing nice little Beaver. Canadians need to build a great beaver dam around our country and stop giving away our resources and our economy to the self-interests of foreign enterprises and governments.

Bob the Beaver

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Canada an "IDIOCRACY"?

Us beavers have to ask ourselves if our form of self-government hasn't turned into an "IDIOCRACY"?

We recently elected a Conservative government because it is better to elect the anti-consumer we know than an ex-patriate we don't know and wouldn't trust in our canoe on a calm lake.

But really... we canuks haven't figured out how to run our country. It seems our skill and intellectual levels peaked at coaching a team of 8 year old hockey players.

Our government-directed economy favours the growth of fewer and fewer companies forming price-gouging business cartels in almost every industry. Establishing successful new businesses in any industry is as rare as a civil servant demanding to be paid at par with the private sector.

There is no price competition any more in any sector of our economy. Have you tried to get a reduced rate on your auto insurance or your life insurance lately? Do you drive 90kms out of town to get a 4% price reduction on your gasoline? Have you actually got a lower mortgage rate from one financial institution to the next? Have you noticed that each big box chain store retailer never actually prices at the "suggested list price" anymore? Even car dealers don't allow their sales men to offer a discount... and then watch out for all the extra hidden charges they have made up? (same on your service bill)

Have you tried to buy a plane ticket to paradise lately? The prices go up and down daily depending upon the tickets sold. Groceries have gone nuts! Soon they will tax our home-grown fruits and vegetables. Hockey tickets are outrageous. The medical and pharmacological players might as well be privatized as they are gouging OHIP and OHIP is charging us a gazillion dollars to control the prices of medical care. (By the way, did you realize that medical expenses for car accidents are billed at higher than OHIP rates to the insurance companies?)

And what about the CRTC's communications industry cartels? The consumer is being gouged while the CRTC protects the industry from new competitors. Energy costs are rising like swamp gas in a cesspool. Privatizing Ontario Hydro was like plugging these guys directly into our beaver lodge's bank account.

It sure looks to me like we are living in a financial dictatorship run by companies colluding on supply and prices, who are supported by our government bureaucrats and naive politicians.

Even our "Competition Bureau" has never gone after these cartels and instead they have gone after the most competitive sector in our economy, real estate. If they suceed in their latest attack on the Toronto Real Estate Board they will severely reduce the competitiveness of the 90,000 independant realtors in Canada and set the stage for the corporatization of this industry.

Canadians have tolerated the gradual increase in government regulatory powers and control over consumer acquisition of family wealth. But, the ordinary beaver didn't expect that industries would be allowed to also control supply and prices for their insatiable greedy ambitions. Canadians are experiencing the oppressive powers of extreme capitalism and extreme socialism.

Nobody, other than the CFP, is offering the solutions to this conundrum. The "idiots" are controlling us, the "idiots" are not changing the rules, and unfortunately... the "idiots" elected all of them! This is why we have evolved into an "IDIOCRACY".

Slap your tails on the pond!

Bob the Beaver

Friday, April 8, 2011

Selling Your Vote?

These politicians might just as well slither around and hand eveyone $2000 to vote for them. They are making about $36 billion in election promises to the 18 million voters that they have no ability to pay!

In fact, they will have to tax us back the $36 billion they are promising to give us.

Perhaps Canada needs to change Halloween to May 2? The goodies they are promising to freely give us would make any poor beaver drool down his chin.

The Conservative Party promised $100 million to boost police forces and discourage gang membership. Think about it. They didn't promise you or me this $100 million. No, they promised the money would go to the civil service bureau involved in Crime Prevention and the expanding of police forces.. The Conservatives want to buy the civil service votes on mass. They have no intention of cutting back on our massive civil service costs!

The Liberal Party has promised $4000 per university or college student to be applied to their tuition. Now if that isn't a vote purchasing game, I don't know what is!

The NDP Party has targetted the Senior beaver vote with "protection" of pensions... not major increases. They are running on a "feel secure" platform that lacks substance to most voters.

And the Green Party, will raise corporate taxes and thus eliminate any possibility of generating capital to invest in new jobs. Now there is a really dumb move!

Let's face the fact that Canada's official political parties just don't see the big picture. Canadian families don't give a darn about all these payouts to other segments of society. Canadian families want a clear vision of where Canada is going and what opportunities there will be for their kids.

Canadians want a long term Vision for Canada that provides a fair distribution of our natural and economic wealth. They want to see the way Canada will utilize all the new technologies to make this country the most successful nation in the world. They want to see how we will establish a culture where individual effort and merit is rewarded regardless of social status, cultural heritage or nepotism. They want political leadership with a clear understanding of how to change our country's course without job losses and investment retreats.

Canadians want a party that doesn't exist yet! They want a CFP - Canadian Federalist Party. But they don't even know it already exists in a virtual website. Hey, maybe it is time for us beavers to start slapping our tails on the waters of this country to get the message out?

Maybe you can send a birchbark letter to your friends and relatives to check out: www.canadianfederalistparty.com ?

Man, the silence in this wilderness is driving me nuts. The sad call of the loons seems to indicate that most Canadian beavers have fallen asleep.

Hey, it's time to start slapping your tails on the water!

Bob the Beaver

Monday, April 4, 2011

Winning Election Can Be Easy!

Every single beaver I meet says the same things.

"We have to vote for one party or another, but none of them care what I seriously think about." or

"We all know what is wrong, but none of the parties have the courage to do it!" or

"They really shouldn't be criticizing each other's character in the mass media. It just isn't Canadian! "

"Every time an election comes, I have to vote for what I think is the party that will do the least damage... not the most benefit for Canada."

Well let me tell you what every single beaver is thinking:

"Canada's problem is its massive civil service costs."

" The civil service employees are over-paid for what they do."

"The civil service employees are ripping everyone off with their exhorbitant benefits and pension plans and job security."

"No political party has the guts to stand up to the gigantic civil service union monster."

"The civil service unions extort the private citizen beavers with an unlimited appetitie for wage and benefit increases."

"The civil service membership is so large, and they vote almost on mass, so no political party can dare to challenge them."

"We love our civil servants, but they have become way too greedy."

"Canada has to get out of debt, but we will never do it until someone brings the civil service under control."

So, there you have it! The secret to winning an electoral majority is to show Canadian beavers how they will stop the public sector union army.

The Canadian Federalist Party is not afraid of the public sector unions. In fact, it respects them for what they have done for their members. The private sector has fallen way behind in taking care of its members. But the CFP will devise programmes to even the playing field between both sector's workers.

Once this is accomplished, Canada will have plenty of its own capital to re-build our nation.

Meanwhile, we are most likley heading into another minority government. Unfortunately, it also means that the gap between the public and private sector beavers will continue to widen.

I just hope us beavers can find a tree big enough to cross this widening gap.

Keep the chatter going!

Bob the Beaver

Monday, March 28, 2011

Federal Election 2011

Four Federal elections in seven years says a lot to us worn out Beavers about present day Canada. Perhaps the strongest message is that none of the national political parties appeal to a significant number of us. We are fed up with their false promises, their corrupt practices and their constant bickering!

At the CFP website you can click on "links" at the top and visit their websites. Wow - what a bunch of motherhoods and malarky?

The Conservative slogan is "To work to keep taxes low." Well if that isn't a piece of weasel scatt... Since when did any beaver who has paid their taxes think that taxes are low! The Conservatives think taxes are low! What would it take for them to think taxes are high!

And then the Liberal slogan is "Putting an end to waste". Well I'll tell you, I've smelled some "ends" that don't stink as much as their election platform. Having this election is a gigantic "waste" so what the heck do they mean? If you see the number of times they mention Big Beaver "Harper", it is obvious they can't think for themselves... they can only criticize someone else... These aren't acceptable values or credentials to get any beaver's vote.

And the New Democrats have a slogan of "Practical First Steps". Sounds a bit like they can only take "Baby Steps". They do seem to make a few promises that will appeal to the majority of Beavers, but they don't have a mature enough vision to make changes without sinking the canoe.

I'll tell you, it is sure frustrating to have to be patient until we can officially afford to launch the CFP as a serious political contender. In the meantime, I hope some "federalist" beavers will stand up and become independent candidates. Canadians need a real choice and none of these old, worn out, americanized "copy cat" parties have earned any respect by the voters.

I'm amazed how many concerned beavers have decided to boycott this election. Perhaps the final voter turnout will give us a true idea of how many beavers have been brainwashed by media hype.

The Canadian media crows love an election because they will have 6 weeks of "news" stories. But don't expect them to dig down to the grass roots to discover what most of us really think.

I was hoping to put my snowshovel away... but it looks like I'll be needing it to shovel a growing mound of c..p!

Well, keep your head to the stump!

Bob the Beaver

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Government Beavers' Wages 42% Higher!!!

WOW! We all suspected beavers on government pay cheques were wizzing down the rapids on bigger and better logs and living in fancier beaver lodges, but 41.7% higher compensation than comparable private sector wage slaves is downright larceny!

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business reported this statistic on page 9 of its' newly released report: Restoring Canada's Fiscal Fitness. Basic salaries are 17.3% higher for the same jobs in the public vs. private sectors.

With their unions repeatedly extorting (extort: obtain by intimidation, importunity, etc.) the politicians, who graciously accept pay raises to keep up with the unionized civil servants, the whole Canadian economic engine has been gummed up and slowed down to a snails pace. Since 1968, when the teachers unionized, the government beavers and weasels have grown fat whilst the private sector corporate wage slaves have been tossed in and out of diminishing paying jobs by voracious pythons of global origins.

Many of these former private sector workers are maturing self-unemployed in the invisible ranks of "consultants" who don't even show up on the unemployment statistics. But, if they do have one good year, the fat cats at Revenue Canada grab marginal taxes at rates of 39%, which leaves little for needed boosts to meagre pensions or savings.

There was a day in Canada when the private sector accumulated family net worth and then created innovative new enterprises. They usually earned about 10-15% more than their comparable service sector employees. But by the 1970's this situation dramatically began to change and by 2011 the private sector workers earn only 70% of what the service sector workers earn. The servants have become the bosses and Canada's entreprenneurial initiative has been robbed.

Canada isn't alone in the expansion and domination of public sector workers to the point that national economies are strangled by government borrowings and massive fixed government overheads for job protection and lucrative pensions. Greece, Ireland, Spain and even Britain have all favoured government instead of private sector growth throughout the past 40 years.

We all have a difficult path ahead to restore an equitable re-distribution and balancing of wealth. There are also many other emerging priorities related to Canada's ageing population and $1 trillion debt.

The time has arrived for Canadian beavers to get their heads out of the muddy water, take a look around, and choose new political masters who can take a body check and still get down the ice to score some goals.

Keep you sticks on the ice!
Bob the Beaver

Saturday, March 12, 2011

TSX-LSX Merger Anti-CDN Interests

Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan identified "wild-eyed nationalists who don't know international business" as being irrelevant in the discussion concerning the approval of the stock exchange merger. I can only assume he was pointing a finger at us nationalistic beavers.

Little does he know that he was still in diapers when when many of us were involved in international businesses.
After his political career is finished he will be looking for a lucrative international business job. Does this mean he is biased and may not act in the best interest of Canadians? Should we be confident his ethical integrity will overcome whatever personal interests he might have in the outcome of the merger proposal?
This $3 billion proposal will undermine Canadian influence over $trillions in our current economy. From personal experience in one of Canada's largest foreign controlled businesses, I know that the Cdn president asked for American approval to spend a miniscule $25,000 that wasn't previously approved in his hundreds of millions of dollars budget. Foreign control is exactly that and a merger creates foreign control. Don't believe for a minute that Canadians will have control of a new TSX-LSX!

The bottom line is that the owners of the merged TSX and LSX alone will profit by access to a larger pool of commission paying and registration paying stocks. The fact that a company is headquartered somewhere else in the world doesn't matter to them. After all, many foreign resource stocks are already listed on the TSX.
In fact, the TSX is the pre-emminent resource stock market in the world. So, if some resource companies in London can't raise capital, they should list on the TSX where this kind of capital is already plentiful. This would be basic good "international business" sense.

Canadian beavers need to be wary of the domestic and foreign weasels who proclaim our market is "too small" for "international business" needs. This is pure poison ivy. We have served the global resource markets effectively for 100 years.

In fact, most legitimate investors prefer the Canadian stock exchange because they know it has a reputable level of integrity and is closely policed. In a global business world where even huge financial institutions have had their paws in the honey-pot, "international business" men truly prefer the security of Canadian controlled markets. Furthermore, those who claim our markets eventually will be bought up by Americans are globalists who want financial moguls to establish even more influence and control over our Canadian autonomy and independence.

Canada should be involved in "international business", but we must stop shipping out so much profit to foreign companies who own or control the trading in our resources. These funds are lost to internal Canadian re-investment and are easily structured to avoid paying significant taxes here. The bottom line is that the small cap beavers end up paying the Lion's share of taxes and these foreign concerns send zillions to their managers and directors outside Canada.

Canadians need to pressure our politicians to begin the process of securing our global autonomy. This merger should not be allowed to occur.

On the other hand, if the LSX is so short of investment capital, maybe they would like a national beaver fund to just buy them out?

Sorry guys... bite my tail... if you dare!

Bob the Beaver

Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to Basics for Banks

The fat bankrupt bank beavers have been bailed out by the taxpayers, so it is time for them to get back into their proper social roles. Leveraged derivates can only lead back to another precipice, so how about some good old fashioned banking?

Canada built their rich banks on the backs of homeowners and entrprenneurs, not hedge fund gamblers. To move forward, we need the banks to get back in bed with ordinary Canadians who need ordinary loans to finance their property, capital equipment and inventory investments. These are the loans that stimulate our economy by creating new jobs and new industries.

We also need the porky government agencies to lose some weight and the high metabolism tax weasels to go on a diet. Everyday Canadian beavers need a chance to pay off their lines of credit, credit cards and car loans/ leases. Income taxes need to be cut much more than corporate taxes.

By improving the balance sheets of middle class and lower income Canadian beavers, we will be able to create a stable and growing job market for all Canadians. Canada has always needed a strong small business sector that provides 70% of employment.

Our government policies must not continue to favour international corporations who close plants and lock out workers as soon as a cheap labour market emerges elsewhere. We can not endanger our autonomy by signing international trade agreements that give these global players legal control over us. It is time to finance domestic businesses- not investments by foreign corporations and foreign government agencies.

Canada needs its own Sovereign Investment Enterprise, just like the Saudi's, Chinese and other wealthy nations around the world. We need a long-term strategy and game plan.

It just doesn't make sense to be generous to those who are making hay out of our oil reserves and forcing Canadians and our industries to pay "world" prices for our plentiful supplies of this important resource. The Saudi's and Americans are setting the price of our oil- not Canadians!

We can't be shy beavers anymore. The next round of world trade negotiations will be over our fresh water reserves. The oil rich persian gulf countries have invested $trillions in their new infrastructures while Canadians just puff up our government bureaucracies.

Come on you beavers. It is time to defend and take care of our own pond!

How about sharpening your teeth on the head of a wooden muscrat bureaucrat?

Bob the Beaver